A sense of direction is easier to come by if your parents and teachers encouraged you to find out what you’re good at and what you like to do. Unfortunately, parents often have very specific ideas about who their children should be that don’t match who their children actually are.
Is Comparing Yourself to Others a Sign of Depression?
Shyness, Introversion, and Anxiety
How are shyness, introversion, and anxiety related? Shyness and introversion are often mistaken for one another, but they’re actually quite distinct. You can be an outgoing introvert, or a shy extrovert.Introversion and extroversion have to do with how you recharge your energy batteries when you’re running low.
Can Mindfulness Help My Depression?
Does Facebook Cause Depression?
How are Anxiety and Procrastination Related?
Normal Anxiety is Good
What does normal anxiety look like? Normal anxiety is connected to the fight-or-flight response. In order to respond effectively in a dangerous situation, you need some kind of danger signal that gives you a few seconds to prepare to fight or flee.Having this kind of anxiety is good; evolution gave it to you for a reason.
Grief and Depression
How can you tell the difference between grief and depression? Grief and depression can look very similar. Both are characterized by low mood, a lack of motivation, a sense of hopelessness, and difficulty enjoying life. Depression and grief can also share physical characteristics, such as difficulty eating or sleeping.
Is Depression a Mental Illness?
The best answer to that question depends on two things: who’s asking, and what the answer means to that person. If you’re depressed and ask, “Is my depression a mental illness?” answering yes might mean to you that you have a chronic, untreatable condition that condemns you to bearing the heavy weight of depression for the rest of your life.
Relationship Anxiety
What is relationship anxiety? Relationship anxiety can take many forms. Maybe you’re anxious about getting into a relationship because you’re afraid you’ll be hurt. Maybe you’re anxious about not being in a relationship because you’re afraid of being alone. Of course, many anxieties come up in relationships themselves.
Overcoming Anxiety
Psychological Reasons for Depression
Depression after Trauma
Performance Anxiety
What does Depression Feel Like?
How is Anxiety Different from Stress?
How do I get back on track after doing something to sabotage myself?
I've started to get my life together. Why am I tempted to mess it up?
Is it a fact that people mess up their lives or is this just their impression?It really is a fact. I’ve worked with people who got the book contract they always wanted, and suddenly developed writers’ block. I’ve seen people get into the relationship that they’ve been looking for, and then either do something to push their partner away, or decide that there’s something wrong with relationship and end it.
What is a “Purpose-Driven Life”?
“Driven” sounds a little aggressive. Are we talking Tiger Mother here? I think that phrase came into the culture with Rick Warren’s book, “A Purpose-Driven Life.” I haven’t read the book, but my sense is that people who talk about wanting to have a purpose-driven life are talking about wanting to feel that their life has a larger meaning beyond just satisfying their own individual desires